Sabtu, 13 November 2010


A. Definition
Modifier are words, phrases, or clauses that provide description in sentences. Modifier is used to explain the time ( modifier of time ), explain the place ( modifier of place ), explain the manner in doing activity ( modifier of manner ). Generally, modifier can be sowed by prepositional phrase ( the group of the word that is began by preposition and be ended by noun ). For example, in the morning, on the table, at the university.
In addition, modifier can be also showed by single adverb ( for example: yesterday, outdoors, hurriedly ) or adverbial phrase (for example: last night, next year. Modifier answered the question “when”, “where”, and “ how”.
B. The Type of Modifier
1. Modifier of time
Subject + Verb/Predicate + Object + Modifier of time
No Subject Verb/Predicate Object Modifier
1 We study English everyday.
2 We are studying English now.
3 We studied English last night.
4 We were studying English when she came last night.
5 We have studied English for 3 hours.
6 We have been studying English for 3 hours.
7 We had studied English for 3 hours when she came last night.
8 We had been studying English for 3 hours when she came last night.
9 We will study English tomorrow.
10 We will be studying English when she comes tomorrow.
11 We will have studied English for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
12 We will have been studying English for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
13 We would study English when she came last night.
14 We would be studying English when she came last night.
15 We would have studied English for 3 hours when she came last night.
16 We would have been studying English for 3 hours when she came last night.

2. Modifier of place
Subject + Verb/Predicate + Object + Modifier of place
No Subject Verb/Predicate Object Modifier of place
1 Lubis bought a book at the bookstore
2 We are eating some meatball in the diningroom
3 John was swimming in the swimming pool

3. Modifier of manner
Subject + Verb/Predicate + Object + Modifier of manner
No. Subject Verb/ Predicate Object Modifier of manner
1. I am driving a car very fast
2. Vivi was singing a song loudly
3. She can finish the task easily
4. Gabby studies english dilligently

4. Modifier of Noun
In each placement of modifier may not in anything place. There are specific rules in place each modifier. Modifier sequences are as follows:
a. Collective Numbers
b. Word article or a possessive word adjective
c. Serial numbers
d. Ordinary numbers
e. Opinions or adjective
f. Facts regarding the size, age, shape, color, etc.
g. Noun
Examples :
a. a big old red car
b. a hot iron
c. that book
1. Modifier of time usually is expresed in the end if this sentences have more than one modifier.
Example : I got a sureprise from my girl in my boarding house at 12 pm.
2. Not all sentences need modifier
Example : Andani lubis is very cute

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