Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Walking on The Fire


In the fourth semester, there was an event that was called “SUPER CAMP”. It was held by HIMKA ( one of organization in School of Nursing Diponegero University) in Ungaran that had been supported by OASE Indonesia ( Training Motivation). The group went to ungaran by motorcycle and in this moment I had chance for taking my girl friend. At 04.00 pm we went to Ungaran and I was on the back because I didn’t know a road to Ungaran. My be I had a problem because on the way I was sparated with the other friends and got lost. It was about one hour we waited another friend who could take us to the place that we wanted to visit. The last, there was my friend who came in to us and helped us.
My friends and I came late together in a place so we got punishment from trainer to push up fifty times and I was blowed in the abdoman part by the official of OASE until five times. Two hours later we were asked for following the next activity, and it’s amazing when I saw the fire in front of my eyes. Actually, all of students who followed this event were asked to walk on the fire. It was a surprise for me because it was first time that I could do it and I hadn’t thought to do it. I just said “bismillahirohmanirohim” when I was walking on the fire until finished. I said “Alhamdulillah” when I looked my feet, there was no injury in my feet.
“Walking on The Fire” a sentence that makes me be pround because i had been ever done it. The first experience that was always remembered in my brain when I looked fire. It was amazing because not all of the peoples had this experience. I really enjoyed this event. Thanks for official of SUPERCAMP and OASE Indonesia.

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